5 Tips To Land a Summer Internship

Summer internships are a staple for any college student looking to get ahead after graduation. These work experiences provide great opportunities for you to dive into a field of interest, build a network, and develop your professional skill set - and who knows, you may receive some compensation for your summer efforts. Here are five tips to land a summer internship in college.

1) Search Early and Often

If you are looking to save yourself some spring quarter stress, start your internship search early. Many deadlines are months before the start date, which leaves you missing out on prime opportunities to score summer work. For paid internships especially, you should start searching about 6-8 months in advance depending upon the company. This is a great time to identify your preferred industries and search through job boards, such as LinkedIn, Handshake, and Indeed.

2) Use Your Network

Although it may seem scary at first, networking is a great way to meet potential recruiters, employers, and coworkers. Not only will it advance your career, but allow you to obtain future jobs in a much timelier manner. According to HubSpot, 85% of jobs are filled through networking - of which, the majority are never posted on a job site. Reaching out to a recruiter will show your interest in a company and allows you to gain an advantage come interview time. Jim Rohn, an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and author once said, “Your network is your net worth.”

3) Double-Check Your Resume

A clean and clear resume is essential for any student looking to land a summer internship. Most employers will look at a resume for six to seven seconds, and it is your job to make sure it lands in the MOVES FORWARD pile. Check for spelling and grammar errors, highlight your key experiences, and use numbers to back up your success. Some companies may weed out your resume using AI, so you can check here to make sure it stands out in the crowd.

4) Ace the Interview Process

Alright, you finally made it to the interview! For many, this tends to be the most stressful part of the internship process. However, you can avoid the worry and ace your interview with a few tips and tricks.

  1. Do some research. Find out more about the company to understand its values and mission.

  2. Practice. Look up common interview questions beforehand and practice answering them as if you were in a real interview.

  3. Be professional. Arrive on time and in the proper attire - no hats, tanks, or hickeys.

  4. Ask questions. Employers will appreciate your curiosity and ability to be an active listener.

5) Follow Up

Sometimes, employers may just forget about your interview or application. Thus, it is vital for you to show your insistence on wanting the internship. Send a follow-up email 3-5 days after your interview, thanking the interviewer for their time. If you have not heard back from the employer after a week or two, a more elaborate follow-up email may be justified. Even if you did not get the offer, thank the interviewer for their time and ask them how you can improve your resume or responses for future interviews.

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